07834 166320 Rachel@rhva.co.uk

Achieving a better work-life balance is something all entrepreneurs want. And that’s understandable. After all, it impacts you emotionally and physically, and it affects those around you too. You don’t want to work so hard that you reach burnout, but you also don’t want to get stressed or depressed because you’re not doing those things you love.

So how do you know when you have the right work-life balance? It’s when you know the amount of time and energy you’re spending on both your personal and professional life is right for you. That ratio and balance is different for everyone. For you, that may mean four days at work and three days at home. For others, that could look like a two-hour working day, followed by downtime with the kids for the remaining part of each day. 

If you’re wondering how to achieve a better work-life balance in your working week, here are five steps that will help.

#1: Understand that the perfect work-life balance doesn’t exist

Start by understanding there’s no magical formula or correct answer for how that ideal work-life balance will look. It all comes down to what suits you. You have to create it for yourself.

#2: Know what’s important to you 

When you ask yourself why you’re doing what you do, where your priorities are, and what gives you the most joy, you’ll be able to narrow down what’s important to you. Know that, and you’ll know what makes for the right work-life balance for you.

#3: Manage your time

You can then prioritise your time accordingly. Start creating time slots that focus on doing what’s really important to you. If family is important, block off time for family. During your working hours, get super focused on the tasks that will move you forward – and start outsourcing tasks that aren’t reliant on only you. If you need a little help managing your time, check out 10 tips to effectively manage your time when working for yourself and Are you being consciously productive with your time?.

#4: Learn to say no

It’s not always easy to say no, but it’s something you need to master if you want to achieve a better work-life balance. Learn to say no to other people, to distractions, and to those things that aren’t important to you.

#5: Look after yourself 

Finally, remember to look after yourself. You need a little you time in your working week too! Look to unplug from social media, step away from screens and tech, and give yourself plenty of breaks away. Get outside and exercise more, as they’ll help you feel better mentally and physically.

It’s not always easy to achieve the right work-life balance, but it is something that’s totally possible. Use the five steps above to help you create the right balance in your life, and also check out 7 steps to creating the perfect work schedule for you for some additional help.

Getting the support you need in business is essential if you’re looking to achieve a better work-life balance. We have a variety of different ways we can help support your business, so head here to check them out. And when you’re ready to discuss your needs further, book in for an informal chat – you’ll find our contact details here.